Meet 3 global leaders in temperature monitoring technology today

Temperature monitoring may be a vast industry, but in practice it can be as simple or as complex as you make it. There are various tools which can be used, from chemical indicating strips to temperature data loggers and remote real-time monitoring systems.

Within the various subsections of the industry, there is a solution to suit every requirement. In the following few paragraphs, we take a moment to acknowledge a few of the frontrunners in the temperature monitoring industry. These companies lead the way for us to innovate and introduce even better temperature monitoring solutions to our clientele.



Temperature indicating strips: TMC Hallcrest

Celebrating their 50th year in operation this year, UK-based TMC Hallcrest are global leaders in smart visual colour-change temperature indicating products known as Thermographic products.  These indicators come in three forms: either as a label, or a pigment and ink, or in plastic form, or as a paint or crayon. The latter can be used in production processes for aluminium, zinc, textiles, plastics and glass and function within a temperature range of 120°C to 600°C.

Their high temperature indicators, which operate up to 1270°C are ideal for use in process and quality control environments, therefore giving the TMC Hallcrest brand visual ubeity across the vastness of global applications.


Temperature data logger: Kimo instruments

Another global company which has stood the test of time is the Sauermann Group. A French company founded by Robert Sauermann in 1976 focusing on hot and cold fluid regulation components.

40 years after it was established, this company has a presence on three continents and has diversified to include detection, measurement and control of indoor air quality. Within this mandate is the monitoring of temperature and their stablemate in this regard is the Kimo instrument’s range of data loggers. A wide variety of data loggers not only measuring temperature but up to 14 different parameters. These include gas detection, current, water pressure and air quality as stand-alone data loggers and multi-function devices as an all-in-one solution.

Kimo instruments provides solutions across all industries at multiple levels and we are keen observers in the growth of this company over the next few years.


Remote real-time monitoring: Berlinger AG – Switzerland

Established over 150 years ago in the Toggenberg countryside, Switzerland, Berlinger AG has certainly stood the test of time through consistent innovation. Fast forward to 2019 – Andy Diem, the Sales and Business Development Manager of Berlinger notes that real-time monitoring is becoming progressively more demanding.

The challenge being the way to transmit the data with LAN-bound devices and choosing between GSM or WIFI. Faced with this fork in the road, Berlinger has chosen the GSM route for the simple reason that it is independent of the customers’ internal network and therefore much more accepted by IT departments. This choice simplifies long term implications and makes sure that any changes to the internal systems have no implications on the Berlinger GSM products.

We are proud to note the progression in the industry and excited for what these innovations mean for our products. We will continue to lead the charge in bringing quality, effective temperature monitoring solutions to the African continent.