Knowing how to handle and store chemicals at the correct temperature is important. Chemicals are expensive, so failing to understand protocol could end up costing your company money due to spoiling during transit or possibly damaging the environment that they are in because of a chemical reaction.
To preserve chemicals, they must be stored at the correct temperature and the humidity level must also be taken into account. It can be challenging to control both of these factors, especially in hot climates such as those found in the greater African continent. The integrity of many different processes can be affected by a chain reaction from a compromised product, so an awareness of these factors is crucial. Precise temperature monitoring affords peace of mind, safety, and avoids potentially costly spoilage.
Optimum storage temperatures
When the storage or transportation temperature of chemicals exceeds or falls below an optimum range, the consequences are consistently negative. In some cases, fluctuations can even cause chemicals to react and become volatile. This puts the entire operation at risk, endangers those handling the chemicals, and affects the quality of a product.
Certain chemicals, such as acetic acid, expand when they drop below their freezing point and can rupture the container they are being stored in. This can lead to hazardous leaks, damaged equipment, and environmental consequences.
Chemicals to be maintained at high temperatures
At low temperatures, some chemicals become viscous which makes them ineffective and difficult to use due to the compromise in their quality and texture. Paints are a sound example of this potential phenomenon, and they should be maintained within the 16-27 degrees Celsius temperature range. Temperature monitors offer reassurance that a product is in the appropriate state for safe and effective use, having been protected from adverse heat or cold.
Chemicals to be maintained at low temperatures
Volatile chemicals sometimes have a low autoignition temperature which means they will automatically ignite at a certain temperature. Any chemical, whether liquid, solid or gas, that ignites spontaneously at a temperature of 54.4 ˚C or below is defined as pyrophoric. Any flammable chemicals must be monitored especially closely.
Likewise, liquid nitrogen requires care during transportation and storage as it can be a dangerous substance. Oxidisers including oxygen, nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitrate also require precise temperature monitoring due to their pyrophoric nature. It is essential to comply with safety regulations and legislation for the handling of chemicals, and temperature monitors help demonstrate fulfilment of these laws and guidelines.
Products available to suit your needs
We are available to consult about your needs, and stock the Timestrip & Berlinger products which will provide the best possible solution for your company and product. Contact us directly through our website to ensure the longevity and success of your business by protecting your product, reputation, and finances!